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German media fail to report uptick in infections after easing of restrictions


Die deutsche Berichterstattung schweigt über die Steigerung von Infektionen seit dem Beginn der Lockerungen der Coronavirus Massnahmen in den letzen Tagen.

Eigenartig. Erstaunlich. Warum? Was ist los? Haben die Medien Furcht vor der Regierung? Oder passiert etwas Gefährlicheres?

Sind die Deutschen blind geworden? Geschieht das auch in anderen Ländern?

Bemerkenswert ist die Tatsache, oder so es scheint, dass nur die britische und amerikanische Medien darüber berichtet haben.




In reading Der Spiegel, Die Welt, Die Zeit, Die Franfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Die Süddeutsche Zeitung, and other German publications in recent days, I have been amazed by their failure to report on the recent increase in coronavirus infections and the infection rate.

For the latest discussion and guidance on the overall crisis and recommended strategy, by leading German scientists, see

Teresa Pfützner, “Das ist die Strategie, die deutsche Spitzenforscher jetzt empfehlen,” Die Welt 29. Abril 2020 (20:45 Uhr).

Their discussion does not specifically take into account the recent uptick in the infection rate.

On the increase in infections after the easing of restrictions, see, e.g.,

Lucia I. Suarez Sang, “Germany’s return to normal life in jeopardy after uptick in new coronavirus cases,” Fox News, April 29, 2020.

Joe Barnes (Brussels correspondent), “Germany healthcare crisis: Merkel fears intensive care beds could be full by October, Angela Merkel has warned Germany faces a new healthcare crisis that could see intensive care beds full by October amid signs of coronavirus infection rate beginning to creep up,” Independent, April 29, 2020 (08:59, updated 09:07).

Chris Pleasance and Tim Stickings, “Europe struggles to exit lockdown: Germany sees rise in infections amid fears it may have to restrict freedoms again, France warns of ‘knife edge’ between saving lives and the economy and Spain reveals strategy amid rising deaths,” Daily Mail, April 29, 2020 (07:56 EDT, updated 15:13 EDT.

Conrad Duncan, “Coronavirus: Germany’s rate of Covid-19 infections rises after lockdown eased; Increases give officials little leeway as they try to ease social distancing restrictions,”The Observer, April 29, 2020

The Observer

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